MANDALA MEDITATIONS - One day workshop
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I put it down to the fact that my head is busier than spaghetti junction in peak rush hour. There is so much going on that I need my environment to be as calming as possible. Even clutter bothers me. I cannot bear too many things on display. And I cannot work until everything is tidy. But the Universe works in mysterious ways, as we know.

It turned out to be a very good decision. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. The scariest and the most blissful – all at the same time. In one of the sessions my consciousness was blown completely open and I got to see the fabric of the universe and what everything was made up of. Millions and millions of small, brilliantly coloured, patterned balls of energy. Like mini atoms. All vibrating at different rates. The denser the item the slower and bigger the atom. Human atoms were very fast and very bright. It was too intense at one point. And I tried to open my eyes to have a reprieve and then realised that what I was seeing wasn’t just in my mind. It was the same with my eyes open as when they were shut. It was way too much for my senses. I was also now aware that nothing was solid, including me. I tried to look at my hands but all I could make out were these molecules of energy spinning. There was nothing solid, nothing I could hold on to. I felt like I had lost the plot. I have honestly never been more scared in my entire life.

The penny dropped. I was suddenly aware of all the inner work I had been doing. All the sessions, past life and current life, I had been through. There had been a strong theme. In all of those lives and experiences, I had been tested. A lot of them had involved sacrifice of some sort. And in all of them, instead of going into a place of fear, I had found a way to focus on love instead. As a result, I was able to tune in to the energy of love in my heart centre. I had used this focus on love to help me move through even the most difficult of times. I might not be able to see my hands but I knew where my heart centre was. I shifted my focus. I moved my awareness into my heart. And as soon as I did so the entire experience turned into the most beautiful, blissful kaleidoscope of light and colour. It was like being bathed in love. I sighed a deep sigh of relief. But I was instantly thrown back into the fear space. Where it was all too much. Then back to the bliss. Back to the love. Back to the fear. And I forcibly moved my awareness back to the love and held it with all my focus. Mother Aya laughed at me. 'Fear or love’ she said ‘You decide. What’ll it be? This won’t last forever; don’t you think it would be a good idea to make the most of it?' I could only agree. I was also acutely aware that she wasn’t just talk about the plant medicine experience, she was talking about life. I got the message.

That was years ago and thus far, I have over eighty of them and they just keep coming. I did some research and found that the name Mandala means Circle in Sanskrit. I hadn’t known that. Mandalas have been in use since the 4th Century, with most Eastern traditions having a place for them. They are often made out of sand or coloured powder, which are destroyed after a time to represent the impermanence of the universe and the cycles and spirals of life. Jung believed that they represented the divinity within man and that people were drawn to create them when they had reached a certain level in their lives, where they had evolved to a level where they were able to access higher levels of consciousness. The mandalas being portals through which they could get there.

For more information about the Mandala Meditation Day on April 27th click here.
Further dates will be announced via my website.