I recently returned from a month long trip to the USA. I had always dreamed of one day cruising up the Pacific highway, and as often happens with the things that I dream of, this dream just came true. It was an incredible adventure where I got to meet some amazing people and have some really extraordinary experiences. A few of which I will share with you here.
The journey began in LA- where I started work on a documentary about Diabetes- from there I headed up to Santa Barbara for a radio interview- then on to San Jose and San Francisco.- where I had some very interesting meetings.
From there I headed up to Mount Shasta which I originally thought was just a few hours away. I soon discovered that it was an eight hour drive. I did wonder whether to cancel the trip as I had to be back in LA a few days later so I asked the universe to give me a sign, as I am wont to do.
I really should be careful what I ask for as a few minutes later I got my sign. I was pulled over by the police- he needed to tell me that there were sightings of bears on the road ahead .......and sightings of lions too.
'Lions and bears,oh My' I thought and chuckled to myself. It was a line straight out of the Wizard of OZ and one that I use in my book. I knew then that I was on the right track .
I arrived at the time of a full moon and the sight of the mountain being bathed in the light of the full moon was breathtaking. I knew then the real meaning of the word majestic.
The following morning I sat meditating at the base of the mountain and I experienced a very profound vision. In the vision I was shown a process that was a missing piece of my work- it was another piece of the jigsaw puzzle that had been coming together over the last few years.
Included in the vision was another reference to Dorothy and the story of Oz. I was shown that it was crucial in the process of healing for us to honour all parts of ourselves- both the wounded and the creative- the dark and the light- the joy and the sadness.
My creative part was shown as Dorothy- a part of me that was able to travel to other realms and see things through different eyes. I realised that in my healing journeys I had been focusing on healing the wounded part of me and had neglected my creativity- I needed to bring all parts together. In the vision this happened and I experienced a real feeling of wholeness for the first time in a long time.
Once I had finished with my meditation I headed back down the mountain- I looked down and saw that someone had created a heart out of stones - it felt like a gift.
A voice in my head said 'You must bring some stones back with you. You will know them when you see them.'
I was curious...the path was rough and in many areas was covered in snow. How would I know which were my stones.
I walked slowly really paying attention to what was below my feel and then I saw them, Two stones side by side. One was dark and angular and the other was paler, smoother and almost perfectly round.
Just as I bent down to pick them up I heard a strange sound.
I looked up and coming down the mountain and heading straight for me was a 30 foot twister. It was throwing dirt and snow into the air and I had no idea what to do. I though about running to get away from it but something held me in my spot. I am not prone to going into fear and I reckoned that this was some kind of test. I had been led to this spot with the stones so I figured it was the best place to be.
I held my ground and this twister came within feet of where I was standing. I swirled around in front of me for a few moments and then- just as suddenly as it had appeared- it disappeared into the trees.
My first thought was to say thank you to the mountain- it felt like a real honour- then my logical mind kicked in and I said 'Lorraine, do not be ridiculous- this is clearly something that happens up here all the time because the energy is so high.' There was not a soul to be seen so I had no one to ask.
I had arranged to meet someone who lived in the area and over a cup of tea I mentioned to her what had happened. She laughed and said that in all the many years that she had lived there she had never heard of such a thing. Dust devils would appear in the plains...but on a snow covered mountain.....unheard of.
So was I being welcomed by the spirit of the mountain.....I have no idea. I will let you decide.
The journey began in LA- where I started work on a documentary about Diabetes- from there I headed up to Santa Barbara for a radio interview- then on to San Jose and San Francisco.- where I had some very interesting meetings.
From there I headed up to Mount Shasta which I originally thought was just a few hours away. I soon discovered that it was an eight hour drive. I did wonder whether to cancel the trip as I had to be back in LA a few days later so I asked the universe to give me a sign, as I am wont to do.
I really should be careful what I ask for as a few minutes later I got my sign. I was pulled over by the police- he needed to tell me that there were sightings of bears on the road ahead .......and sightings of lions too.
'Lions and bears,oh My' I thought and chuckled to myself. It was a line straight out of the Wizard of OZ and one that I use in my book. I knew then that I was on the right track .
I arrived at the time of a full moon and the sight of the mountain being bathed in the light of the full moon was breathtaking. I knew then the real meaning of the word majestic.
The following morning I sat meditating at the base of the mountain and I experienced a very profound vision. In the vision I was shown a process that was a missing piece of my work- it was another piece of the jigsaw puzzle that had been coming together over the last few years.
Included in the vision was another reference to Dorothy and the story of Oz. I was shown that it was crucial in the process of healing for us to honour all parts of ourselves- both the wounded and the creative- the dark and the light- the joy and the sadness.
My creative part was shown as Dorothy- a part of me that was able to travel to other realms and see things through different eyes. I realised that in my healing journeys I had been focusing on healing the wounded part of me and had neglected my creativity- I needed to bring all parts together. In the vision this happened and I experienced a real feeling of wholeness for the first time in a long time.
Once I had finished with my meditation I headed back down the mountain- I looked down and saw that someone had created a heart out of stones - it felt like a gift.
A voice in my head said 'You must bring some stones back with you. You will know them when you see them.'
I was curious...the path was rough and in many areas was covered in snow. How would I know which were my stones.
I walked slowly really paying attention to what was below my feel and then I saw them, Two stones side by side. One was dark and angular and the other was paler, smoother and almost perfectly round.
Just as I bent down to pick them up I heard a strange sound.
I looked up and coming down the mountain and heading straight for me was a 30 foot twister. It was throwing dirt and snow into the air and I had no idea what to do. I though about running to get away from it but something held me in my spot. I am not prone to going into fear and I reckoned that this was some kind of test. I had been led to this spot with the stones so I figured it was the best place to be.
I held my ground and this twister came within feet of where I was standing. I swirled around in front of me for a few moments and then- just as suddenly as it had appeared- it disappeared into the trees.
My first thought was to say thank you to the mountain- it felt like a real honour- then my logical mind kicked in and I said 'Lorraine, do not be ridiculous- this is clearly something that happens up here all the time because the energy is so high.' There was not a soul to be seen so I had no one to ask.
I had arranged to meet someone who lived in the area and over a cup of tea I mentioned to her what had happened. She laughed and said that in all the many years that she had lived there she had never heard of such a thing. Dust devils would appear in the plains...but on a snow covered mountain.....unheard of.
So was I being welcomed by the spirit of the mountain.....I have no idea. I will let you decide.