Hypnosis is simply a focused state of attention, when the mind is focused on one thing to the exclusion of everything else. Any time that someone is deeply engrossed in something; whether it be a good book, a movie or even a physical experience, and they lost track of time; they were in a state of hypnosis or trance, also known as being in the flow or in the zone. It is a perfectly natural state that is experienced many times a day, especially when involved in activities that are very familiar, such as driving a car on a well known route or even when daydreaming.
It is very similar to the state experienced just before drifting off to sleep, when people are vaguely aware of what is going on around them but so comfortable that they do not really feel the need to pay attention any more. While they are in this focused state they can absorb positive suggestions that are given to them and, as a result, can re-programme the mind in a way that will serve them best.
The state of hypnosis is an effective way of making contact with the inner (unconscious) self, which is a reservoir of unrecognised potential and knowledge as well as being the unwitting source of many problems. It is a fact that no-one can be hypnotised against their will. Even when hypnotised a person can still reject any suggestions they do not agree with. At all times they are fully in control and cannot be made to do anything that they do not want to do, and cannot be forced to say anything they do not want to either; it is even possible to lie whilst in the trance state.
Therapeutic hypnosis is very different to stage hypnosis, where the hypnotist seems to have control. When people volunteer to join a hypnotist on stage they are giving them permission to give them foolish tasks to accomplish. For the duration of the show they are the stars and the more they perform, the more applause and good feeling they generate. The best subjects for a stage hypnotist are not the most hypnotizable but the most extrovert and willing to act out suggestions.
Therapeutic hypnosis involves a partnership between the client and the therapist, where an agreed upon goal is determined and a protocol is decided upon to help the client achieve it. The therapist serves as a guide in the process. When carried out by a professionally trained and skilled Hypnotherapist, the benefits are long lasting and usually permanent. It is completely natural and safe, with no harmful side effects.
It is very similar to the state experienced just before drifting off to sleep, when people are vaguely aware of what is going on around them but so comfortable that they do not really feel the need to pay attention any more. While they are in this focused state they can absorb positive suggestions that are given to them and, as a result, can re-programme the mind in a way that will serve them best.
The state of hypnosis is an effective way of making contact with the inner (unconscious) self, which is a reservoir of unrecognised potential and knowledge as well as being the unwitting source of many problems. It is a fact that no-one can be hypnotised against their will. Even when hypnotised a person can still reject any suggestions they do not agree with. At all times they are fully in control and cannot be made to do anything that they do not want to do, and cannot be forced to say anything they do not want to either; it is even possible to lie whilst in the trance state.
Therapeutic hypnosis is very different to stage hypnosis, where the hypnotist seems to have control. When people volunteer to join a hypnotist on stage they are giving them permission to give them foolish tasks to accomplish. For the duration of the show they are the stars and the more they perform, the more applause and good feeling they generate. The best subjects for a stage hypnotist are not the most hypnotizable but the most extrovert and willing to act out suggestions.
Therapeutic hypnosis involves a partnership between the client and the therapist, where an agreed upon goal is determined and a protocol is decided upon to help the client achieve it. The therapist serves as a guide in the process. When carried out by a professionally trained and skilled Hypnotherapist, the benefits are long lasting and usually permanent. It is completely natural and safe, with no harmful side effects.