Jenny came for an LBL because she had questions about her life, she felt a strong connections to certain people, especially her partner whom she felt certain she had known in another life; she was convinced that they were soul-mates and wanted to have this clarified. She was curious about her family and why she chose them, especially as she was so different from them; she had always felt as though she was the odd one out and that people didn’t understand her and her particular way of thinking. At times she struggled with her weight, going from being an athlete to being far heavier than she wanted to be, and no matter how hard she tried to be disciplined, she would slip back into old bad habits. Her main concern, though, was that she was struggling to take her business to the next level, as a trainer and a recently published author she could not understand what was holding her back; she wanted to be sure that she was living her highest potential life and had lots of questions to ask the Elders.
Before she could access the LBL realm we took her into her very last past life; she found herself as a man living in Scotland, he was incredibly lonely and hugely overweight; he felt that no one would love him because of his size. The past life regression showed that his father had died when he was very small and since that time he had spent all of his time with his mother. She used food to show that she loved him and food was his main comfort; he owned a Bakery and so food was always near to hand. Rejections from various women, especially one that he had obsessed about, and the death of his mother led to less and less self esteem and more and more comfort eating until he was 30 stone and unable to move. He died after a second heart attack, ridiculed and humiliated in the hospital; he had welcomed the death as he felt that he had nothing to live for.
Once the life had ended she found herself floating above the body and saw that there was someone waiting for her; it was her stepbrother. She could see him as an energy that was flashing between his form now and just a shape; an energy that she described as light. He told her that she had somewhere to go and they travelled on what seemed to be a conveyer belt through the clouds. I asked her about her brother/ guide and she said that he was very advanced and had done this many more times than she had. When they finally came to a stop there was a group of people waiting for her, sitting in a semi circle, they were wearing white robes with golden bands around their waists; they were emitting flashes of green and were wearing bands of leaves and flowers around their heads.
There were about 12 of them altogether and she was told that this was her soul group. Her two sisters were there, as well as her Mum and Dad and her partner. This made her cry, but they were very happy tears. They wanted to speak to her about the life she had just left and they gave her some time to review it; she felt that she had not done very well and when she told them they laughed, gently, at her. They told her that there were no judgements from them and that she was the only critic, they loved her unconditionally and understood the difficulties that had been faced, her soul had chosen a difficult challenge and had not taken a huge amount of soul energy into the body that time round, as she had believed that she could manage without it.
When she asked them what the purpose was for that lifetime they told her that the mans challenge was to find love and learn to love himself, but he had spent all his time focusing on someone who had not loved him, or certainly had no opportunity to love him, and he had failed to have contact with anyone else. When she asked them why they had not helped him through this they said that they had sent signs and people to help but he had chosen to ignore them and there was nothing more they could do.
She saw that her sister had been her mother in that life and that her job had been to give her unconditional love, as well as the challenge around food, her father now had been her father then; he had been chosen to provide the first experience of abandonment and feelings of rejection to see if she could learn to love even though he hadn’t stayed. The members of her soul group had played various roles, particularly as women who had rejected him. Even her stepbrother was there, as someone that he had worked with; he had been an old man that he had always admired.
Her current partner had been the woman that he had obsessed about, who had never had anything to do with him. However, with this greater perspective, it was now clear that he had never asked the woman if she was interested and that had he had any self belief the woman could have been his, the woman’s job was to test this, she had been right there under his nose but he had been unable to believe that he was worthy of her and as a result he had missed all the signs and all the people that could have helped him; all because he never asked for help.
She learnt that within this lifetime he had blamed himself for his father’s death and as a result had felt pretty worthless, guilty and abandoned and had not wanted to hurt anyone else; mostly he hadn’t wanted anyone else to leave him, as it had hurt so much. He had chosen to only have people around that he thought would never leave and the only one he could rely upon, completely, was his mother. I asked her what she could take from this and she said that the key learning was that there were always people to help; not just hurt; that she could trust some people and especially trust her own instincts and the signs she saw. The most important thing was that she believe in herself, do what was important for her; not what others wanted and recognise that food was not the answer; that all she had to do to be in control was to stop eating so much. At this, she laughed; it was so simple.
She told me that someone else was coming, someone with energy like a lion, this was another one of her spirit guides.
He had come to help her choose what she was going to do in her next life. She was taken to a safe place where there was a lagoon and told to look into the water. She saw the face of a Camel and saw that one choice was that of a tourist guide offering trips to tourist in Egypt. It was a tough life, all about survival, trying to change and break out of the struggle, with very big dreams.
The next one was working for Greenpeace, risking her life to save the Whales and really trying to make a difference; but she hadn’t fancied either of these. Then there was her current life, in which she was going to make a difference by being a teacher, a motivational speaker and presenter. Her guide wanted her to choose the one with the camel, but she preferred the one that was a bit more showbiz and that she thought had a bit more glamour in it. She laughed and said that as her last life had been hard that this time she wanted a slightly easier one. Then it was her guides turn to laugh, he held her hands and told her that there was no easy ride, that each life had its own challenges; she was still going to have to learn about loving and pleasing herself.
Her guide told her that before she could continue she had to choose others to provide her challenges. She saw her current parents who were going to provide the perfect space for her to learn about being finding her own inner strength, her sisters who volunteered to join her so that she wouldn’t be lonely; as well as being role models for her with regard to pleasing herself and not doing what they were told. A lot more souls volunteered to either reject or treat her badly; to force her to believe in herself, to look for the signs of her self worth and force her to dig deep inside. Her sister was chosen to open her up to spiritual matters, which she did by providing a psychic who told her to explore NLP and get her degrees, this was a step she had followed, and in doing so she passed the first step into the discovery of who she really was and what she was really here to do. She turned to her guide to ask for confirmation about her life and her mission; she wanted to know what she needed to do to move forwards.
Her guide smiled and told her that she needed to stop being scared, to trust that all was as it should be and that she was completely where she needed to be; he also told her that it was her turn to help her partner, who had some of his own issues, and that did not mean always making it easy for him; he had to find his own courage. She was allowed to float around for a bit and was then told that she needed to get ready to move on. She came to a place where everything around her was white, like a burning sun, not flames but warm and very loving. She was aware of other energies floating around; energies that had a way of floating closer and paying attention to you, which you could feel like little burst of sunlight, which was very nice. She was able to anchor this feeling so that she could recall it again in the future when she might need it.
Her stepbrother and her guide were there and they both led her to a place that looked as though she were at the top of a water slide, she had the distinct feeling that this could be fun or it could be scary. I asked her where she was and she told me that this was the place from which she would start her new life and with a fond farewell to her helpers she let go and went down the slide, she travelled very fast and felt bathed by lots of energy, which she said was very nice. Soon she found herself back in the womb and reported that she felt okay; although she was aware that she was surrounded by sadness. When I asked her what the cause of this was she told me that her mother did not feel loved, as her dad had rejected her, and she didn’t know what to do about it. Her Mother was looking forward to the baby coming though and Jess did feel loved in that moment. She used the anchor that had been set, to bring in the loving energy she had felt before, to boost her mother and herself and bathe them in love and light.
As she went through the birth experience it was quite scary because the cord was tied around the baby’s neck; they were telling the mother to hurry and push and there was a real sense of urgency, there was a strong fear that, if she didn’t hurry, the baby would die. She managed to get out in time and we surrounded her with a healing light to help her release all of the fears and the anxieties that had been generated. Once the energy of the birth had been released she found herself back in the lagoon and she said that suddenly everything made more sense. Her lion-like guide was there, he was a guide from another group and seemed to have a combination of many different energies.
She was able to ask how much of her soul energy she had brought with her in to her current incarnation and was told that she had taken 50% of it, this had been decided as her guides did not want her to waste another life, it was important for her to learn her lessons this time. The rest of her energy was working on self-love, in fact all of her soul group were. She was taken, by her guide, to a beautiful building where she got to meet with twelve Elders, they were stood in a circle and radiated great power; she was welcomed warmly by them all. They asked her if she had any questions for them and she asked about the anger that she had experienced in her life, she wanted to know what it meant and was told that it represented the summoning up of strength to break through to the next level. She also enquired about some headaches that she had been experiencing and was told that they were designed to keep her short tempered, as it was a pressure that was building, the longer she ignored what she had to do the more the headaches would last; it was time to take a stand and say ‘enough is enough’.
She had questions about a future work colleague and was told that he would be a great spiritual teacher for her; they told her that the only thing preventing her from moving forward was a fear of money. They smiled and assured her that things were going very well and that there were incredible changes on their way, she need have no fear on that account.
She also had questions about a book that she had written that had not done as well as she had hoped and was told that it was designed to help her to come out of hiding, and let people scrutinize her, even the ones that would criticise and judge. Her message to people was to be about waking up and taking responsibility for their own lives. She would use her skills of NLP, and other such processes, to empower them and teach them about taking control.
She was told to remember the 30 stone man in hiding and remember that all he had had to do was ask for help and it would have been there. Once she got out of hiding everything would be ok, all she had to do was look for the signs. She was told that she had two more leaps forward in this life and that she would get to fulfil her spiritual desires. Then she would learn about contribution and about really making a difference; selflessly. She was told what her immortal spirit name was and shown a picture of someone blindfolded stepping off a cliff, once they had made the leap they grew wings and they flew.
Before she was to return she got the opportunity to connect back with her soul energy and said that it felt wonderful to be reconnected, to feel whole once again; she was told that in order to reconnect with this energy she needed to see a golden cable and grab hold of it; this way she could be shown what her soul energy was learning. Once she was connected she was shown how beautiful the world was and what a perfect balance there was in nature. She was shown the harmony and how in nature all things work perfectly. That nature doesn’t blame anybody and this is why it works perfectly. She was shown her own body through her soul energies eyes and was able to see that it was strong and healthy and really loveable.
After the session Jenny was amazed at how much sense everything now made to her, from the issues with her family, her relationships, her weight and particularly her working life. She recognised the inner fear that she was not good enough and could see that this was the belief that was holding her back. Having seen and reconnected to her higher self she saw that this belief was not longer valid, she vowed that she would no longer be held back and that she would go for her dreams. Since that time she has gone from strength to strength, she feels that she deserves the best from a relationship she no longer has any concerns about being left; her weight is something that she no longer thinks about and she looks great; she is now aware of why her family challenge her in the way that they do and is grateful to them for it all and her career has just exploded. She has created her very own training format, which has been taking people through their very own breakthrough experiences and the response to her and her work has been phenomenal. She is very definitely no longer in hiding and she is so delighted to know, without a shadow of doubt, that she is on the right path and doing what she is meant to be doing.
Before she could access the LBL realm we took her into her very last past life; she found herself as a man living in Scotland, he was incredibly lonely and hugely overweight; he felt that no one would love him because of his size. The past life regression showed that his father had died when he was very small and since that time he had spent all of his time with his mother. She used food to show that she loved him and food was his main comfort; he owned a Bakery and so food was always near to hand. Rejections from various women, especially one that he had obsessed about, and the death of his mother led to less and less self esteem and more and more comfort eating until he was 30 stone and unable to move. He died after a second heart attack, ridiculed and humiliated in the hospital; he had welcomed the death as he felt that he had nothing to live for.
Once the life had ended she found herself floating above the body and saw that there was someone waiting for her; it was her stepbrother. She could see him as an energy that was flashing between his form now and just a shape; an energy that she described as light. He told her that she had somewhere to go and they travelled on what seemed to be a conveyer belt through the clouds. I asked her about her brother/ guide and she said that he was very advanced and had done this many more times than she had. When they finally came to a stop there was a group of people waiting for her, sitting in a semi circle, they were wearing white robes with golden bands around their waists; they were emitting flashes of green and were wearing bands of leaves and flowers around their heads.
There were about 12 of them altogether and she was told that this was her soul group. Her two sisters were there, as well as her Mum and Dad and her partner. This made her cry, but they were very happy tears. They wanted to speak to her about the life she had just left and they gave her some time to review it; she felt that she had not done very well and when she told them they laughed, gently, at her. They told her that there were no judgements from them and that she was the only critic, they loved her unconditionally and understood the difficulties that had been faced, her soul had chosen a difficult challenge and had not taken a huge amount of soul energy into the body that time round, as she had believed that she could manage without it.
When she asked them what the purpose was for that lifetime they told her that the mans challenge was to find love and learn to love himself, but he had spent all his time focusing on someone who had not loved him, or certainly had no opportunity to love him, and he had failed to have contact with anyone else. When she asked them why they had not helped him through this they said that they had sent signs and people to help but he had chosen to ignore them and there was nothing more they could do.
She saw that her sister had been her mother in that life and that her job had been to give her unconditional love, as well as the challenge around food, her father now had been her father then; he had been chosen to provide the first experience of abandonment and feelings of rejection to see if she could learn to love even though he hadn’t stayed. The members of her soul group had played various roles, particularly as women who had rejected him. Even her stepbrother was there, as someone that he had worked with; he had been an old man that he had always admired.
Her current partner had been the woman that he had obsessed about, who had never had anything to do with him. However, with this greater perspective, it was now clear that he had never asked the woman if she was interested and that had he had any self belief the woman could have been his, the woman’s job was to test this, she had been right there under his nose but he had been unable to believe that he was worthy of her and as a result he had missed all the signs and all the people that could have helped him; all because he never asked for help.
She learnt that within this lifetime he had blamed himself for his father’s death and as a result had felt pretty worthless, guilty and abandoned and had not wanted to hurt anyone else; mostly he hadn’t wanted anyone else to leave him, as it had hurt so much. He had chosen to only have people around that he thought would never leave and the only one he could rely upon, completely, was his mother. I asked her what she could take from this and she said that the key learning was that there were always people to help; not just hurt; that she could trust some people and especially trust her own instincts and the signs she saw. The most important thing was that she believe in herself, do what was important for her; not what others wanted and recognise that food was not the answer; that all she had to do to be in control was to stop eating so much. At this, she laughed; it was so simple.
She told me that someone else was coming, someone with energy like a lion, this was another one of her spirit guides.
He had come to help her choose what she was going to do in her next life. She was taken to a safe place where there was a lagoon and told to look into the water. She saw the face of a Camel and saw that one choice was that of a tourist guide offering trips to tourist in Egypt. It was a tough life, all about survival, trying to change and break out of the struggle, with very big dreams.
The next one was working for Greenpeace, risking her life to save the Whales and really trying to make a difference; but she hadn’t fancied either of these. Then there was her current life, in which she was going to make a difference by being a teacher, a motivational speaker and presenter. Her guide wanted her to choose the one with the camel, but she preferred the one that was a bit more showbiz and that she thought had a bit more glamour in it. She laughed and said that as her last life had been hard that this time she wanted a slightly easier one. Then it was her guides turn to laugh, he held her hands and told her that there was no easy ride, that each life had its own challenges; she was still going to have to learn about loving and pleasing herself.
Her guide told her that before she could continue she had to choose others to provide her challenges. She saw her current parents who were going to provide the perfect space for her to learn about being finding her own inner strength, her sisters who volunteered to join her so that she wouldn’t be lonely; as well as being role models for her with regard to pleasing herself and not doing what they were told. A lot more souls volunteered to either reject or treat her badly; to force her to believe in herself, to look for the signs of her self worth and force her to dig deep inside. Her sister was chosen to open her up to spiritual matters, which she did by providing a psychic who told her to explore NLP and get her degrees, this was a step she had followed, and in doing so she passed the first step into the discovery of who she really was and what she was really here to do. She turned to her guide to ask for confirmation about her life and her mission; she wanted to know what she needed to do to move forwards.
Her guide smiled and told her that she needed to stop being scared, to trust that all was as it should be and that she was completely where she needed to be; he also told her that it was her turn to help her partner, who had some of his own issues, and that did not mean always making it easy for him; he had to find his own courage. She was allowed to float around for a bit and was then told that she needed to get ready to move on. She came to a place where everything around her was white, like a burning sun, not flames but warm and very loving. She was aware of other energies floating around; energies that had a way of floating closer and paying attention to you, which you could feel like little burst of sunlight, which was very nice. She was able to anchor this feeling so that she could recall it again in the future when she might need it.
Her stepbrother and her guide were there and they both led her to a place that looked as though she were at the top of a water slide, she had the distinct feeling that this could be fun or it could be scary. I asked her where she was and she told me that this was the place from which she would start her new life and with a fond farewell to her helpers she let go and went down the slide, she travelled very fast and felt bathed by lots of energy, which she said was very nice. Soon she found herself back in the womb and reported that she felt okay; although she was aware that she was surrounded by sadness. When I asked her what the cause of this was she told me that her mother did not feel loved, as her dad had rejected her, and she didn’t know what to do about it. Her Mother was looking forward to the baby coming though and Jess did feel loved in that moment. She used the anchor that had been set, to bring in the loving energy she had felt before, to boost her mother and herself and bathe them in love and light.
As she went through the birth experience it was quite scary because the cord was tied around the baby’s neck; they were telling the mother to hurry and push and there was a real sense of urgency, there was a strong fear that, if she didn’t hurry, the baby would die. She managed to get out in time and we surrounded her with a healing light to help her release all of the fears and the anxieties that had been generated. Once the energy of the birth had been released she found herself back in the lagoon and she said that suddenly everything made more sense. Her lion-like guide was there, he was a guide from another group and seemed to have a combination of many different energies.
She was able to ask how much of her soul energy she had brought with her in to her current incarnation and was told that she had taken 50% of it, this had been decided as her guides did not want her to waste another life, it was important for her to learn her lessons this time. The rest of her energy was working on self-love, in fact all of her soul group were. She was taken, by her guide, to a beautiful building where she got to meet with twelve Elders, they were stood in a circle and radiated great power; she was welcomed warmly by them all. They asked her if she had any questions for them and she asked about the anger that she had experienced in her life, she wanted to know what it meant and was told that it represented the summoning up of strength to break through to the next level. She also enquired about some headaches that she had been experiencing and was told that they were designed to keep her short tempered, as it was a pressure that was building, the longer she ignored what she had to do the more the headaches would last; it was time to take a stand and say ‘enough is enough’.
She had questions about a future work colleague and was told that he would be a great spiritual teacher for her; they told her that the only thing preventing her from moving forward was a fear of money. They smiled and assured her that things were going very well and that there were incredible changes on their way, she need have no fear on that account.
She also had questions about a book that she had written that had not done as well as she had hoped and was told that it was designed to help her to come out of hiding, and let people scrutinize her, even the ones that would criticise and judge. Her message to people was to be about waking up and taking responsibility for their own lives. She would use her skills of NLP, and other such processes, to empower them and teach them about taking control.
She was told to remember the 30 stone man in hiding and remember that all he had had to do was ask for help and it would have been there. Once she got out of hiding everything would be ok, all she had to do was look for the signs. She was told that she had two more leaps forward in this life and that she would get to fulfil her spiritual desires. Then she would learn about contribution and about really making a difference; selflessly. She was told what her immortal spirit name was and shown a picture of someone blindfolded stepping off a cliff, once they had made the leap they grew wings and they flew.
Before she was to return she got the opportunity to connect back with her soul energy and said that it felt wonderful to be reconnected, to feel whole once again; she was told that in order to reconnect with this energy she needed to see a golden cable and grab hold of it; this way she could be shown what her soul energy was learning. Once she was connected she was shown how beautiful the world was and what a perfect balance there was in nature. She was shown the harmony and how in nature all things work perfectly. That nature doesn’t blame anybody and this is why it works perfectly. She was shown her own body through her soul energies eyes and was able to see that it was strong and healthy and really loveable.
After the session Jenny was amazed at how much sense everything now made to her, from the issues with her family, her relationships, her weight and particularly her working life. She recognised the inner fear that she was not good enough and could see that this was the belief that was holding her back. Having seen and reconnected to her higher self she saw that this belief was not longer valid, she vowed that she would no longer be held back and that she would go for her dreams. Since that time she has gone from strength to strength, she feels that she deserves the best from a relationship she no longer has any concerns about being left; her weight is something that she no longer thinks about and she looks great; she is now aware of why her family challenge her in the way that they do and is grateful to them for it all and her career has just exploded. She has created her very own training format, which has been taking people through their very own breakthrough experiences and the response to her and her work has been phenomenal. She is very definitely no longer in hiding and she is so delighted to know, without a shadow of doubt, that she is on the right path and doing what she is meant to be doing.