A Phobia is an irrational, intense and persistant fear of certain activites, situations, people, animals or things. The person knows that the phobia is not sensible, but the anxious feeling is so intense that they feel compelled to avoid the trigger. Phobias are an emotional response which was learned due to a difficult lifetime experience - a one off traumatic event or through repetition. Often they occur when fear, produced by a threatening situation, is transmitted to other similar situations, while the original fear is repressed or forgotten. For example, the excessive fear of water may come from an earlier childhood experience of nearly drowning.
There are three main categories of phobias:
Most individuals understand that they are suffering from an irrational fear but feel powerless to control their initial panic reaction. Hypnotherapy and NLP have been proven to be some of the most effective treatments for phobias. Often one session is enough to help remove the associations that trigger the panic response and return a feeling of being in control.
There are three main categories of phobias:
- Social Phobias - involving other people or social situations, often known as performance anxiety.
- Specific Phobias - fear of a single specific panic trigger such as spiders, dogs, water, heights, flying. Causing people to avoid situations where the trigger is present.
- Agorophobia - a generalised fear of leaving home or a small familiar safe area and of the possible panic attacks that might follow. May also be caused by fear of open space, fear of contamination and possibly complicated by Obsessive Compulsive Disorder related to a trauma that occurred out of doors.
Most individuals understand that they are suffering from an irrational fear but feel powerless to control their initial panic reaction. Hypnotherapy and NLP have been proven to be some of the most effective treatments for phobias. Often one session is enough to help remove the associations that trigger the panic response and return a feeling of being in control.